Sunday, February 13, 2011

Now onto the business of the week

So these are some of the things we experienced this no particular order.  Lilly pulled her 9th baby tooth (by her count and who am I to question her).  She was a pro and it barely even bled.  Elizabeth continues to amaze at her kindness.  After a doctor's visit for Makenzie, Nancy stopped by Chik-fil-a (Elizabeth pronounces it Chik-a-lay).  After getting home Nancy gave Elizabeth her 6 piece nugget and she ate 3 of them.  Nancy asked her about the other 3 nuggets left and Elizabeth explained that they were for Lilly - that Lilly would be hungry after she got home from school.  Lilly continues to be a HUGE help to us around the house - giving Elizabeth baths, making bottles, and generally any other request that comes her way.  Most of the time she does it without hesitation.  Makenzie is doing well.  She has many doctor visits to go - cardiologist, swallow test, another sleep study, plastic surgeon.  Nancy is amazing keeping up with everything and maintaining such a positive attitude while taking care of the girls.  Nancy and the older girls saw the Justin Bieber movie today.  Elizabeth almost made it to the end but got tired / fussy due to lack of a nap.  I was called in to get Elizabeth (Makenzie, who was sleeping, and I tootled around and found a comfy chair outside JC Penney's).  Nancy fell in the theater walking Elizabeth out which led to a mark on Elizabeth's head and a sore / sprained ankle for Nancy.  Darn you Justin Bieber.  Lilly said that the movie was an 8 or 9 on a 10 point scale. 

First Post (did it work?)

So this is my attempt to maintain a journal about our family.  This is only a test.